Gratitude List
This is supposed to help me get things into perspective, so here goes...
I am grateful that...
1. I have a job that pays enough for me to keep food on the table.
2. I have a roof over my head.
3. I have friends who I can talk to when I'm feeling crappy.
4. I have my own car and a valid driver's license.
5.I have no serious health problems.
6. My debt to the IRS has been paid.
7. I have two wonderful sons who are much better than their mom at staying out of trouble.
7. I own a Fender DG 16 twelve string guitar. Damn! I love that thing!
8. I have two half decent computers that I can call my own and a broadband internet connection.
9. I have no criminal record, although God only knows that I've done some things that could have earned me one.
10.I have plenty of vacation days that I can use if work gets me to feeling too frazzled.
I suppose that's enough gratitude for now...