When asked about things we want to do in our lifetimes, someone responded with this:
"Raise happy, confident, God and country loving children into productive members of society."
Sounds nice, huh?!
But this is most certainly NOT how I would wish to see my children raised.
I would prefer to raise my children to be intelligent and inquisitive, putting faith in FACT and REALITY, blindly following no one or nothing. I want them to not be sheep who scream "God bless America!" I would prefer to raise children who see themselves as citizens of the world rather than patriots of our nation. I would like to see them respect the beliefs of others without bending to them. I want my children to respect all creatures great and small. But most of all, I hope to raise children who measure their success in life not by how much money they make, but rather by how much joy they've brought to the hearts of others and (of course) themselves!